Mental Break down of The Marathon

Mental Break down of The Marathon

So you've heard that the marathon is 90% mental but what does that mean, what do you do, and how do you prepare? 

I breakdown the marathon into 4 parts, using both the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Think of the conscious mind as "zoning in", in full focus and the subconscious mind as "zoning out". It's important to weave between both because just as you want to conserve physical energy, you also want to conserve mental energy.

Miles 1-6:

Your conscious mind should be at work holding you back despite the excitement and adrenaline. You'll be weaving in and out, focusing on the path of least resistance, and staying present to the moment while staying true to your race plan. You need to find your breathing and fueling rhythm. You won't be expending mental energy, per se, but you will be focused and present. 

Miles 6-15

It's time to turn on cruise control, save your mental energy and allow your subconscious to take over. These middles miles are for finding the feel of your goal pace, falling into your rhythm and allowing your body to do what you've trained it for. This is a great time to dive into music, a favorite podcast or simply soak in your surroundings. 

Miles 15-20 

You're past the half way point but still have a ways to go. It's time to tune into the conscious mind and utilize the mental strategies that you've practiced through journaling and hard workouts. During this phase of the marathon you want to use more affirmations than mantras (though you can use both), and keep your doubts at bay with positive self talk. If you've been journaling along with your race build up, this is where it will really pay off!


Miles 20-26.2

The conscious mind needs to be in full effect as the fatigue is real and the doubts seep in. Redirect your thoughts by labeling each negative thought and replacing it with something positive. The mental aspect of this part of the race is all about recovering from dark places, staying in each mile and trusting your mind to not give up before your body does! During these final miles, you'll need your mantras on repeat and maybe throw in some affirmations when you need it too!

So much of racing is a mental game. Your body can do it. You've trained for this. Can your mind keep up? Grab a Run My Life journal + planner for your race build up and know that you did everything you could physically AND mentally to prepare yourself!

Good Luck XOXO,


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